What we do


  • Organization : Tamadakikaku
  • Section : Artistic and creative activity in Tokyo
  • Type of Grant Program : Single
  • Art Forms : Theater


This ensemble drama featuring the multiple “communities” of a man (Mizuki Maehara) with friends he only connects with on social media, his family (Hana Morimoto) and peripheral figures (Keita Yamashina, Keisuke Kamiya, others) looks at the way we imagine others in its portrayal of relationships between people solely connected online, and confusion in real-world relationships.
Streamed (with cinematography by Kousuke Kuramoto, and video editing by Keisuke Tominaga) directly after performances finished due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Script and direction: Shinya Tamada
Performed by: Chizuru Asano (Ajiwaidoudou), Keisuke Kamiya (TENNIS COURT), Seijiro Konno, Shinya Tamada, Shiho Fukasawa (Nuthmique), Natsuko Hori (Seinendan), Mizuki Maehara (Seinendan), Hana Morimoto (LOLO), Keita Yamashina


Principle activities: The troupe stages works written and directed by frontman Shinya Tamada at a rate of roughly twice a year. In the field of film, as well as “Lust in a Karaoke Box” (with direction and screenplay by Tamada), Tamada also directed “My Favorite Girl” (based on the novel by Naoki Matayoshi).
Creative characteristics:
Tamada Kikaku’s works revolve around reproducing a distinctly Japanese style of hierarchical communication based on mood or situation. In groups, people look to the strongest person then and there, and take steps to dominate those who are equal to or weaker than themselves. This is not something that is spelled out. We try to arbitrarily guess and pander to the intention of a strong person even if the information or signals are unclear. The word for this behavior is “sontaku.” This kind of instinctive “falling in” doesn’t just happen on the political scene but also in communication on a small everyday scale. Our aim is to use theater to reproduce communication based on this hierarchical instinct, giving an overview and awareness of the principles by which we Japanese make decisions and act.

Principle works: “Now, All time best,” “Lust in a Karaoke Box,” and “Kaeru bird.”




Shougekijou B1,Setagaya City, Tokyo
Streaming+ (On-line)