The theatrical work “The Dark Master” was adapted and directed by talented playwright/ director Kuro Tanino, recipient of the 60th Kishida Kunio Drama Award (2016) for “Avidya: No Lights Inn,” who was deeply impressed by the original manga. Since the theatrical version of “The Dark Master” premiered in 2003, it has been performed to great acclaim at home and overseas in Tokyo, Osaka, Miyagi and Toyama, in Gennevilliers in France in 2018 as an official part of the Japonismes 2018 season, and on invitation from OzAsia Festival in 2019 in Australia’s Adelaide. A new theatrical adaptation of the work using VR was staged in two US cities.
Written and directed by: Kuro Tanino
Design: Takuya Kamiike
Director’s assistant: Haruka Kikuchi
VR system by: Takashi Nomura
Stage direction: Masaya Natsume
Lighting: Masayuki Abe
Video: Nobuhiro Matsuzawa
Sound: Kouji Sato
Local technical coordinator: Futoshi Miyai
Local video technician: Takaaki Ando
Production: Chika Onozuka
Performers: Koichiro F.O Pereira, Kiyobumi Kaneko, Bobumi Hidaka / Katsuya Tanabe, Saika Ouchi, Masafumi Uchida, Manami Hirokawa, Hironari Miyachi, Takehito Terui, Kazuya Inoue
Niwa Gekidan Penino
Kuro Tanino
Born in 1976 in Toyama Prefecture, Kuro Tanino is the artistic director of Niwa Gekidan Penino as well as resident playwright and director. He was a Saison Foundation Senior Fellow until 2015. After launching Niwa Gekidan Penino while still a medical student in 2000, he has since written and directed all the company’s plays. He has received invitations to festivals around the world. He premiered Käfig aus Wasser in March 2015 in Germany, while Avidya: No Lights Inn won the Kishida Kunio Drama Award in 2016. Kita Nippon Shinbun Art Award in 2016, Cultural Affairs Agency Arts Festival Excellence Award in 2016 and Toyama Prize in Arts and Culture in 2019.
Chika Onozuka
Company manager
Arche LLC.
Kise BilD. 2F 5-14-7 Higashinakano, Nakano, Tokyo Japan 164-0003
Japan Society