What we do

Okinawan culture Ryukyu Traditional Arts Sanshin, Koto and Dance

  • Organization : office IKD Co., Ltd.
  • Section : None
  • Type of Grant Program : Single


Sanshin Practical experience course
April 13, 20, 27, May 11, 18, 25, June 1, 8, 15, 22 at Ryukyu Studio Can Dokoro, Shinjuku City, Tokyo

Koto Practical experience course
April 16, 23, May 7, 14, 21, 28, June 4, 11, 18, 25 at Ryukyu Studio Can Dokoro, Shinjuku City, Tokyo

Ryukyu Dance Practical experience course, on Saturday
April 13, 20, 27, May 11, 18, 25, June 1, 8, 15, 22 at Salon725, Minato City, Tokyo

Ryukyu Dance Practical experience course, on Wednesday
April 17, 24, May 8, 15, 22, 29, June 5, 12, 19, 26 at Ryukyu Studio Can Dokoro, Shinjuku City, Tokyo

Rehearsal for performance
June 29, 2024 Venue undecided

June 29, 2024 at Chofu City Culture Hall, Kusunoki Hall, Chofu City, Tokyo

Hands-on experience event
Ryukyu Traditional Arts Sanshin, Koto and Dance

Number of practical skill sessions per participant (including presentation/rehearsals for presentation)
12 sessions

Principal instructor
Natsuko Akamine, Maki Akamine, Ayaka Nakazato (Ryukyu buyo dance)
Takumi Hosokawa (Sanshin)
Motoka Miyagi (Koto)

Event features
Sanshin: Participants will start by learning how to hold the instrument and the basics of how to read KunKunshi, before moving on to master Ahabushi.
Koto: Participants will learn the characteristics of Ryukyu koto music, starting with the basics such as tuning methods and playing techniques, before moving on to master “Tachiutoushisugakachi.”
Dance: Wearing practice kimono, participants will start by learning how to hold a fan and how to walk, and then master Kajadi-fu, which is one of the basics of Ryukyu buyo dance.
After 10 practice sessions, there will be a presentation, with participants taking part in a rehearsal ahead of their stage performance and then actually giving a performance on stage in costume and makeup.

Publicity methods for the recruitment of participants (collaboration, cooperation, networking, etc.)
As well as placing an announcement regarding the recruitment of participants in administrative district newsletter, we will use social media to recruit participants.

Ways to enable participants to continue with practical skills experience (other than programs covered by this grant) after the end of the event
This group holds Ryukyu buyo dance, koto and sanshin classes for the public in Tokyo, so participants can continue learning even after the hands-on experience program ends.


office IKD Co.,Ltd.
With a Ryukyu buyo dance school in Tokyo’s Minato-ku, the group focuses on performing and teaching of Ryukyu traditional performing arts. Centering on the metropolitan Tokyo area the organization engages in the preservation and promotion of Ryukyu traditional performing arts, appearing onstage at festivals and PR events related to the culture of Okinawa and countries outside Japan.


Natsuko Akamine
+81-(0) 3-6206-8433