This project aims to explore the sound of the multi string 17-string and 25-string koto. As well as works by contemporary composers, the recital program included two new duo pieces with the aim of creating a new vision for the 17-string and 25-string koto. Combining the views of composer Aki Mori and the performers, the new piece “Tsugaru for 25-strings and 17-strings”communicated the world of writer Osamu Dazai underpinning the work, and took full advantage of the characteristics of the instruments. In addition, the familiar and delicate melody made it very easy to understand for audience members unfamiliar with traditional Japanese music, ensuring it was well received.
The revised 2023 edition of “Yume Koi Kaidan” composed by Yu Kuwabara was performed with natural vocalization in order to give a modern feel to the work, which incorporates vocals, narration, spoken lines, and chanting. While belonging to the genre of contemporary music, this work received especially high praise within the overall performance for its considerable entertainment value.
In addition, each solo covered the work of koto pioneers, displaying the individuality of both the performers and the instruments.
“Tsugaru for 25-strings and 17-strings” (composed and commissioned premiere by Aki Mori)
“25-strings koto music KOGA” (composed by Akira Ifukube)
“Transformation by MIDARE for17-strings solo” (composed by Ryohei Hirose)
“Yume Koi Kaidan 2023 revised edition” (composed by Yu Kuwabara)
Asaka・Tsugumi Duo association
This group comprises a performance duo specializing in two multi-stringed Japanese zithers, the 17-string and 25-string koto.
With Asaka Ikegami playing the 17-string koto, and Tsugumi Yamamoto playing the 25-string koto as their principal instruments, the duo explores performance and sound expression on a daily basis.
The 17-string koto and the 25-string koto are two instruments created in Japan to expand the range of koto music. Asaka・Tsugumi Duo association’s aim is the pursuit of musical richness in the belief that the sounds of the 17-string koto and the 25-string koto when played together offer numerous latent possibilities and forms of expression.
Suginami Public Hall ,Suginami City, Tokyo