International collaboration performance of contemporary dance and drama, co-directed by Toru Sasaki (Reqoo-Zoo-Room/Playwright, Director) and ChenWei-Ning (Century Contemporary Dance Company/Dancer, Choreographer) who have been working together since 2014, Performed in Tainan city and Taoyuan city in Taiwan.
The activity theme is “what is the next challenge of international co-production, over cultural exchanges?”. Besides the performance, we did the talk session and interview with some artists to seek the way to create an unknown thing with sharing the sense of impossible-to-understand.
Kanaco Takahashi, Li Hui-Wen, Liu Jia-Rui, Chen Ya-Chu, Supervisor Yao Shu-Fen
Toru Sasaki is born in 1980, Japanese Playwright/ Director. Sasaki joined Ku Na’uka theatre company as an actor in 1999. After leaving the company, he has been a company leader of Reqoo-Zoo-Room since 2007.
The concept that inspires his work is “why do we need a story?” an experimental project aiming to assemble and create a text without plot, seeking a new style of drama, and he has been acclaimed as a “monster of relativization”.
Sasaki received the “Best Play Award of the Dramas of Japan Competition” (Agency for Cultural Affairs and the Association of the Japanese Theatre Companies) in 2013. He was officially invited to Asian Performing Arts Festival (Tokyo, 2013 – 2014), Dance in Asia (Taipei, 2014) as a director.
6/9-6/10 Yonghua Hall in Wansha Performance & Arts Centre (Tainan, Taiwan)
6/12 Taoyuan City Hall (Taoyuan, Taiwan)