
  • Finished

Engei in Haneda Airport International flight Terminal

  • Japanese Traditional Art ,
  • Workshop

Haneda Airport is known as the overseas “gateway into Japan and Tokyo” as the airport bustles daily with many foreign visitors to Japan. This program, which is held at Haneda Airport, consists of three separate programs that allow participants to see and experience traditional Japanese culture up close.


This program features Shishimai (Lion Dance) procession accompanied by maturi-bayashi (festival music). Participants will be able to experience ancient Japanese customs thought to be lucky, such as letting the lion “bite” your head, etc.
Time: 10:30-10:55

Kyokugei is a traditional Japanese acrobatics. You can see the kasamawashi performance which means rotating an umbrella with some objects, as well as gokai-jawan, using a long rod to support some objects on top of the rod.
In Japan, the kasamawashi is particularly popular and also believed to be very auspicious. You can try performances such as kasamawashi and kamitate (a part of gokai-jawan).
Time: 11:00/13:00 (30 minutes per program)

Wazuma is traditional magic that has been handed down from 400 years ago.
This magic was extremely popular among the masses in the Edo period.
An instructor will explain the brief history of wazuma while providing you the opportunity to try it out.
You can see The Nanking-tamasudare (Nanjing bead blinds) while parading around the fourth and fifth floor area for 30 minutes in the first half.
Afterwards, you can enjoy Wazuma performance (Japanese traditional magic) at the stage of Festival plaza on fifth floor.
Time:14:30-15:30 (Procession 30 min, performance 30 min)

How to participate

Free-for-all on that day

Participation fee



Tokyo tradition office, Arts Council Tokyo


Haneda Airport International Terminal 5F・4F



Organized by
Arts Council Tokyo (Tokyo Metropolitan Foundation for History and Culture)
Supported by & in cooperation with
Tokyo Metropolitan Government
Supported by