As a part of Arts Academy program, Tokyo Metropolitan Theatre runs a year-round training program to cultivate future performing arts professionals for public cultural institutions, NPOs, festivals etc.
This open seminar provides the public opportunities to know the history and activities of Tokyo Metropolitan Theatre, which seminars up until now have been designed for trainees.
Session 1
The history of Tokyo Metropolitan Theatre
Date/time: Wednesday, April 24 19:00 – 21:00
Venue: Tokyo Metropolitan Theatre
Lecturer: Hiroshi Takahagi (Vice Director of the Tokyo Metropolitan Theatre)
Moderator: Shintaryo Tawata (associate professor in the Department of Performing Arts, College of Art, Tamagawa University)
Sessions 2
Tokyo Metropolitan Theatre Concert Hall
Date/time: Thursday (holiday), May 2 14:00 – 16:00
Venue: Tokyo Metropolitan Theatre
Lecturer: Yasuhisa Toyota (acoustician), Junko Suzuki (Director of Project Planning Division at Tokyo Metropolitan Theatre)
Session 3
Theatrical performance production
Date/time: Monday, May 6 (public holiday)14:00 – 16:00
Venue: Tokyo Metropolitan Theatre
Lecturer: Minako Naito (General Producer of Performing Arts, Tokyo Metropolitan Theatre)
Session 4
International co-production (theatre)
Date/time: Monday, May 27 19:00 – 21:00
Venue: Tokyo Metropolitan Theatre
Lecturer: Hiroshi Takahagi (Vice Director of the Tokyo Metropolitan Theatre)
Moderator: Shintaryo Tawata (associate professor in the Department of Performing Arts, College of Art, Tamagawa University)
Session 5
Tokyo Metropolitan Government’s cultural policy and Tokyo Metropolitan Theatre
Date/time: Friday, June 14 14:00 – 16:00
Venue: Tokyo Metropolitan Theatre
Lecturer: Masatu Shigemiya (Director for Cultural Policy, Culture Promotion Division, Bureau of Citizens and Cultural Affairs, Tokyo Metropolitan Government), Hiroshi Takahagi (Vice Director of the Tokyo Metropolitan Theatre)
500 yen / each session (Tax included)
*First-come-first-served basis. Advance reservation required.
Please apply from Peatix from 14:00 on Monday, April 8, 2019.
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*Your personal information will be handled as confidential and used only to send you information about this course.
*We regret refunds cannot be made for any reason.
Educational Programs Section, Program Planning Division
Tokyo Metropolitan Theatre