People want to record what happened before their eyes. They want to convey people’s voices, scenes, and landscapes. Since the Great East Japan Earthquake, a variety of activities have been implemented which relate to records of the disaster and creative expression.
NOOK, which has continued with record-related activities from its Sendai base, is a collective made up of creative artists who have been exploring records of narratives relating to the earthquake disaster, as well as forms of expression for delivering those records. In spring 2022 the collective relocated to Tokyo and launched Karoku Recycle, a project for uncovering records of past disasters and applying them to the present.
As well as introducing recording methods and expressive techniques practiced by NOOK in Tohoku/Tokyo over the last ten years or so, this exhibition will feature a display of items that document art-related activities associated with the Great East Japan Earthquake. The manner in which NOOK has tried to chronicle and convey the disaster has changed with the headway made in the recovery and reconstruction process, or in response to other disasters and events happening in the same period.
In the city of Tokyo, some way distant from the epicenter of the featured disasters and events, this exhibition is being held as a forum for re-addressing, thinking and talking about related records and forms of expression.
*This event will be run with measures in place to prevent the transmission of coronavirus (COVID-19).
*Program is subject to change.
This is a workshop in which several people get together and read aloud “Memoirs a decade on,” written in the tenth year after the Great East Japan Earthquake. The aim of the workshop is not to read well, but to savor the experience of saying the written word out loud.
Facilitators: Natsumi Seo (artist/NOOK) and Daichi Nakamura (writer and director/leader of Yaneura Heights/NOOK)
Date/time: Saturday, February 4, 2023 14:00 – 16:00
Venue: 3331 Arts Chiyoda ROOM302
Admission Fee: Free
Capacity: 4
How to reserved: Please use the contact form here.
Application deadline: Thursday, February 2, 2023 *The number of application reached the capacity and the registration is now closed.
*The application process may be closed before this date, depending on the number of applications received.
*Personal information obtained via the application process will be used only for the purposes of contacting applicants and for operations related to this project.
General Incorporated Association NOOK
Saturday, January 21 – Sunday, February 5, 2023
Weekdays (Thursday and Friday only) 16:00 – 20:00
Saturday and Sunday 11:00 – 18:00
*You can still visit the exhibition when the related event is held
3331 Arts Chiyoda 3F ROOM302 (6-11-14 Sotokanda,Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo)