The focus of Tokyo “Soup and Blanket” Travelogue, led by theatre director and dramatist Shirotama Hitsujiya, is to delve deeper into our spheres of existence in search of “beginnings”, “endings”, and the spaces in between. With the assistance of collaborators interested in pursuing these themes, the project will hold a series of talk shows and conduct area-related research designed to lay the groundwork for art programs. We also aims to form the basis for a network conducive to further exploration of the topic through various collaborative arrangements.
YUBIWA Hotel (General Incorporated Association)
Tel: +81-70-1260-4600
Tokyo Metropolitan Government
Tokyo Culture Creation Project Office (Tokyo Metropolitan Foundation for History and Culture)
YUBIWA Hotel (General Incorporated Association)
Tokyo, Soup, Blanket and Travelogue
Mar. 8 (Sun), 2015 14:00
Community Space, 3331 Arts Chiyoda 1F
Art Project, Exhibition / Screening, Lecture / Symposium, Workshop, Others
Tokyo, Soup, Blanket and Travelogue
Oct. 8 (Wed), 2014 19:30
Community Space, 3331 Arts Chiyoda 1F
Visual Art / Media Art, Art Project, Lecture / Symposium, Others