What we do

Tokyo Support Center for the Arts and Culture
FY 2024

Tokyo Support Center for the Arts and Culture ARTNOTO opened in October 2023 for supporting sustainable activities of wide-ranging artists and practitioners in the field of arts and culture in Tokyo, and for catalyzing new initiatives. ARTNOTO functions in three ways: (1) offering a consultation service (2) providing useful information and (3) offering learning initiatives. These services will primarily be offered online in collaboration with external specialists such as lawyers and tax accountants.

-Consultation service
In collaboration with external specialists, we provide a consultation service to support a variety of concerns and problems faced by artists and practitioners working in the field of arts and culture in Tokyo, regardless of genre or experience. In FY2024 we will be strengthening consultations for accessibility in the arts and cultural field also traveling consultation events enabling easy access to advice.

-Useful information
Activating channels such as our official website, YouTube, note, etc., we will offer comprehensive information useful for arts and culture activities not only in Tokyo but also in the national and private sector. In FY2024 we will launch the push-based information delivery tools for up to date promotion.

-Learning initiatives
We hold a variety of lectures to help artists and cultural practitioners acquire the necessary knowledge and enhance practical abilities for problem-solving etc., in their activities. In FY2024, as well as continuing with lectures on accounting/tax, harassment prevention, legal affairs, business skills, capacity building, following social trend, and current issues, we will also offer new lectures such as understandings of accessibility and others. Archived lecture videos available online.

Tokyo Support Center for the Arts and Culture’s nickname, ARTNOTO.
We dubbed the Support Center “ARTNOTO”, which can be translated as “door to art ” in Japanese, to incorporate our hope that it will be a place where opening this will help resolve various problems related to artistic and cultural activities, and be a place where you can acquire new information and knowledge. Additionally, the name ARTNOTO encompasses the meaning “art capital” , hoping Tokyo to be one of the world finest city of arts and culture.


Organized by
Tokyo Metropolitan Government, Arts Council Tokyo (Tokyo Metropolitan Foundation for History and Culture)

Tokyo Support Center for the Arts and Culture ARTNOTO