Art action unit MINORI-MAJORITE TRAVEL implemented its “Tokyo Boundary Lines Travel Journal” project from 2005 to 2006 in metropolitan Tokyo, resulting in the audience participatory stage performance “Seven Deadly Sins”, which creates awareness of how identification becomes discrimination. Now a short film has been made based on footage from the project and subsequent interviews, and released as the new work by director Makoto Sasaki. This screening will also feature a talk event with a mixture of performers and production staff. In addition, as a pre-event there will be a talk featuring insightful guests from inside and outside the theatrical arts field. Material from the time of the project (PR items, reports, records of workshops and performances, mailing lists, etc.) will be consolidated in archive form.
【Tomoko Momiyama】
Momiyama develops site-specific projects in Asia, Europe, North America, Central America and Africa as well as Japan. By devising a methodology of collective composition involving people from various backgrounds, and cooperating with the communities of various social minorities and specialists in other fields, she seeks to create the music of contemporaries and their lives. Her projects cover a wide range of media such as tour-style performance pieces, interactive sound installations and ritual performances. She is a director of the Japan Association of Composers for Sumo Hearing Arts.
MINORI-MAJORITE TRAVEL executive committee
UPLINK FACTORY (Shibuya City, Tokyo)