Setting the annual theme as “Living Together”, Ensemble NOMAD presented programs on the concept of living with the “lost things”, condoling on lives and things lost in calamity. In Concert #70, we commissioned three Japanese composers (Yukiko Watanabe, Malika Kishino and Atsuhiko Gondai) to compose pieces on the annual theme, and premiered the three highly individual compositions. The second half of the concert presented a new dimension, performing T.Reily’s “In C” with 16 children (“NOMAD Kids”). Concert #71 was Luc Ferrari v.s. Jo Kondo. The program demonstrated the dramatic contrast between Ferrari, a composer of perpetual transformation and Kondo, consistently pursuing life-long themes. At the same time, it highlighted unmistakable the “co-existence” of the two composers beyond time.
Ensemble NOMAD
Formed in 1997, Ensemble NOMAD has been highly acclaimed both nationally and internationally as one of the leading ensembles in the world specializing in the 20th-century and contemporary music, with its unique, infinitely flexible and spontaneous programming in the concerts and high-quality performance. Winner of “KEIZO SAJI Prize 2003” and “The Vienna Philharmonic & Suntory Music Aid Award 2014”, the ensemble has appeared in most major contemporary music festivals around the world. 20 CDs are available worldwide.
Wakako Hanada
Ensemble NOMAD
c/o keynote, 4-17-4-202, Shimorenjaku, Mitaka, Tokyo, 181-0013
Tel: +81-(0)90-4054-2312
Fax: +81-(0)422-44-1165
Tokyo Opera City Recital Hall, Shinjuku City, Tokyo