This was a dance production created by Yo Nakamura and based on the novel by Kuniko Mukoda. The production featured an opera singer and an actor as well as dancers, exploring the relationship between language and the human body through diverse forms of expression. In its portrayal of the language, discomfort, and storm of emotions that men and women endured during an era when difference in gender roles was taken as a given, the production highlighted a perspective that contrasts with today’s society.
Choreography/direction: Yo Nakamura
Performed by: Yo Nakamura, Toru Hasegawa, Mikiko Wada, Keizo Nagashima
Original work by: Kuniko Mukoda
Stage direction: Susumu Kumaki
Lighting: Daichi Kutsumi
Sound: Koji Ozono
Music cooperation: Miki Hasegawa
Video recording of performance: Syungsuke Nakase
Production: Fuyuko Mezawa
Established for the purpose of creating and staging dance works by Yo Nakamura, conducting workshop activities, etc. Centering around widely accepted dance work styles, Nakamura engages in citizen-participation-oriented workshops and dance work creation across the country.
Yo Nakamura
Yo Nakamura first entered the world of contemporary dance at Waseda University. Based in Tokyo, she has performed works in Japan and overseas including in Romania, Korea, and Brazil. Other professional projects have included directing Tokyo Nikikai Opera’s “Serse,” and choreographing the music video for “MAGIC” by rock band sumika. She is the winner of the First Session Best Award, the Jury Prize at Yokohama Dance Collection EX 2013, the 5th El Sur Foundation Newcomer Award for Contemporary Dance, and others.
Yo +
Half Moon Hall,Setagaya City,Tokyo