This project comprises a participatory work “United Me” from the collection “Invisible Things” related to invisibility. “United Me” was reconstructed for a London production in May 2022, and enjoyed a triumphant homecoming performance in Japan. In a world where the value of live performances has changed and it has become difficult to tour, FujiyamaAnnette looks at how one new way forward for the performing arts is to present new ideas in adaptable and mobile ways. The performance took the form of conceptualizing the “tolerance/intolerance” division currently confronting society.
This work, which is also a contemporary art installation style performance, is a participatory work in which each audience member chooses and experiences a social issue pertaining to “division;” as such the aim of the work was to help expand the breadth of the performing arts and present audience-participants with a new performative experience.
FujiyamaAnnette was founded by Ney Hasegawa in 2003. Through collaborations with new creators from various genres, He focuses on methodologically pushing the boundaries of Performing Arts genres to refine the true essence of the artworks.
Tokyo Metropolitan Theatre Gallery2, Toshima City, Tokyo