This course is a video program in which viewers will not only learn the basics of the visual/physical language called sign language, but also think about deaf culture and communication with deaf people. The posted recorded videos can be accessed anytime from anywhere.
“Meet-up Program” for video viewers! (Advance reservation required) *Applications are now closed.
Please see here for more information.
#1-1 Getting used to looking
– Expressing what you see
– Self-introductions
– Greetings
#1-2 Practicing hand movements
– Expressing numbers
– Expressing time
#1-3 Practicing expressions of degree
– Expressing extent/intensity
– Expressing food flavors
#1-4 Learning about deaf culture
(1) Deaf people’s and hearing people’s sense of time
#2-1 About NMM (non-manual markers)
– Using the eyebrows, mouth and shoulders
#2-2 Expressing pastimes and things you like
– Sports
– Seeing art/performances
– Beverages
#2-3 Expressing “yes” and “no”
– Hand movements and replies
#2-4 Learning about deaf culture
(2) Characteristics of conversation between deaf people and hearing people
#3-1 Expressing occupations and responsibilities (1)
#3-2 Expressing occupations and responsibilities (2)
#3-3 Assisting at a ticket counter or reception counter
#3-4 Learning about deaf culture (3) Communication with deaf people 1
#4-1 Communicating what you saw
#4-2 Expression with classifiers (1)
#4-3 Expression with classifiers (2)
#4-4 Leaning about deaf culture (4) Communication with deaf people 2
#5-1 Error-prone or difficult finger shapes
#5-2 Expressing depth and thickness with fingers
#5-3 Appropriate sign language usage according to TPO (Time, Place, Occasion)
#5-4 Differences in communication between deaf people and hearing people
Free (Please pay your own communications costs.)
– People involved in art project management who wish to improve their skills in sign language and other types of physical language
– People who wish to reinforce their skills in explaining projects and communicating smoothly
Project Coordination Division,
Arts Council Tokyo, Tokyo Metropolitan Foundation for History and Culture
TEL: 03-6256-8435(Weekday 10:00-18:00)