Directed by musician Otomo Yoshihide and presented in association with PROJECT FUKUSHIMA!, this interactive music festival aims to create a forum for music making to which all participants contribute directly, transcending their respective viewpoints and approaches. It will take place at Tokyo Tower, one of the symbols of the metropolis.
Ensembles Tokyo
Sunday, August 26 2018 15:00
the south side parking lot of Tokyo Tower and other locations
Music, Workshop
Ensembles Tokyo
Thursday, August 16 - Sunday, August 19 and Tuesday, August 21 - Saturday, August 25 2018
GOOD DESIGN Marunouchi, Tokyo Metropolitan Theatre Symphony Space, Red Bull Music Studios Tokyo
Music, Workshop
Ensembles Tokyo
Thursday, June 28 2018, 19:00 (Doors open at 18:30)
GOOD DESIGN Marunouchi
Music, Lecture / Symposium
2018年度 アンサンブルズ東京(ショートバージョン)/ FY2018 Ensembles Tokyo (Short version)
2018年度 アンサンブルズ東京(ロングバージョン)/ FY2018 Ensembles Tokyo (Long version)