Workshop leaders, who have the key role leading the participants of workshops, are required to have not only musical talents but also various abilities such as high communication or self-expression skills. Under the direction of workshop leaders from Casa da Música who are the international leading experts of this field, the program offers opportunities to create original workshops by groups along with the basic skill learnings. The original workshops will go public in the end. Therefore, the program is more practical than the normal lectures.
Jorge Prendas (Casa da Música Education Program Coordinator)
Joana Araújo, Bruno Estima, Tiago Oliveira, Jorge Queijo, Paulo Neto (Casa da Música workshop leaders)
*Interpretation provided
Learning the necessary skills for workshop leaders, the participants get divided into groups to create original workshops which go public in the end.
Wed, Jul 17-Sun, Jul 21
[1] Observe workshops created by workshop leaders from Casa da Música and Tokyo Bunka Kaikan
[2] Basic lessons by workshop leaders from Casa da Música (lectures and hands-on activities)
Mon, Jul 22-Tue, Dec 3
[3] Workshop Creation (Meetup about twice a week), dress rehearsal, and review
Wed, Dec 4-Sun, Dec 8
[4] Preview, revise, and release the original workshops. And more activities including workshop observation.
*Instructors from Casa da Música are staying in Japan during the period 1, 2 and 4.
*[Training Courses](PDF *only in Japanese)
*Workshop Creation Flow (PDF *only in Japanese)
*The workshop created through this program will go public as the original workshops of Tokyo Bunka Kaikan.
*The participants who attended the lessons for 5 days or more in July and December will receive a certificate.
Jan-Mar 2020 (TBD)
[5] We will send about 1-3 participants of A course selected by the instructors to Casa da Música (Porto, Portugal) as trainees for attending the special training program for 1 week.
*The Tokyo Bunka Kaikan bears the travel fee and accommodation (in Portugal) expenses.
Maximum number of entry
Approx. 10-15
*If the applicant number exceeds the limit, the new applicants will be prioritized.
Lesson Fee (Tax included)
10,800 yen
*Participants who are not chosen as workshop leaders going public can participate in the workshop creation as supporting members from Mon, Jul 22. (optional)
*Participants must bear any commuting expenses themselves to get to the venues including the workshop creation period.
Short term course for learning basic skills required for workshop leaders.
Thu, Jul 18-Sun, Jul 21, 2019
Basic lessons
*The course does not include workshop creation.
Approx. 5-10
*If the applicant number exceeds the limit, the new applicants will be prioritized.
Lesson Fee (Tax included)
10,800 yen
*Participants must bear any commuting expenses themselves to get to the venues.
The participants observe Workshop Leader Skills Training Program B Course (Basic lessons *The workshop viewing is not included.).
Thu, Jul 18-Sun, Jul 21, 2019
Observation for the Workshop Leader Skills Training Program “Basic lessons for workshop leaders (lecture and hands-on activities)”
*Please find the attached schedule document for the detailed lesson schedule.
*[Training Courses](PDF *only in Japanese)
2 ways to attend: entire program attendance and daily attendance (pick up only the dates you wish to attend during the schedule)
Maximum number of entry and the lesson fee
Entire program attendance: Approx. 5 persons, 6,480yen for the entire program
Daily attendance: Approx. 5 persons, 2,160yen per day
*The lottery drawing shall be conducted if the application number exceeds the limit.
Qualification requirements
*Please bring in your own instruments if you play musical instruments.
Document Screening
How to apply (only available in Japanese)
By sending the application documents
*The application must be arrived no later than the designated period.
*Application documents must be sent by post or courier during the application period.
*Please note that the documents will not be returned to the applicants.
Application Documents
[A/B Course Participants]
Application Guidance (PDF *only in Japanese)
Application Guidance (PDF *only in Japanese)
Application period
Wed, Apr 24-Tue, May 7, 2019
Result Notice
We send the result notice to all the applicants by Sat, Jun 8 with the replying envelope.
*If the applicant number exceeds the limit, the new applicants will be prioritized.
*Any personal information provided is handled with care and we strictly limit the use to this program only.
*The program is subject to change under certain circumstances.
“Workshop Workshop!” Training program team
Production Section, Tokyo Bunka Kaikan
5-45 Ueno Koen, Taito-ku, Tokyo 110-8716
“Workshop Workshop!” Training program team
Tokyo Bunka Kaikan, Production Section
TEL: 03-3828-2111