The project has three core objectives. The first is “Festival” which hosts contemporary and high quality international art festivals as well as cultural events in various fields. The second is “Kids” which intends to help children’s development through arts and culture. The third is “Artpoint” which aims to cultural focal points of culture in various communities of Tokyo. Representing these three objectives, Mr. Roberto Gabbiani, a chorus master at the Teatro Regio di Torino (Turin Royal Theatre), Mr. Man Nomura, a Noh actor (holder of an Important Intangible Cultural Property) and the chairperson of the Japan Council of Performers’ Organizations, and Mr. Tadashi Kawamata an artist and professor at the Ecole Nationale Superieure des Beaux-arts made speeches about their aspirations for the programs.
For details of new programs and the programs continued from the last year in the Tokyo Culture Creation Project, please refer to the information materials distributed at the press conference listed below.
Press Release <2010-2011 program lineup> PDF [225KB]
Material 1
Material 2
Material 3
Annual calendar PDF [139KB]

(From the left) Shinichiro Momohara, Senior Director of the Culture Promotion Division, Bureau of Citizens and, Cultureal Affairs, Tokyo Metropolitan Government; Man Nomura; Roberto Gabbiani, Tadashi Kawamata; and Masanori Sugitani, Senior Director of the Tokyo Culture Creation Project Office, Tokyo Metropolitan Foundation for History and Culture

Press Conference