

Open Forum 2019 “Beyond Diversity: Impact of Inclusive Society to Unlock Creative Potential” to be held

Arts Council Tokyo (Tokyo Metropolitan Foundation for History and Culture) will hold a forum entitled, “Beyond Diversity : Impact of Inclusive Society to Unlock Creative Potential ” at Belle Salle Tokyo Nihonbashi on Friday, March 1st.

The Tokyo Metropolitan Government’s vision is to leverage the upcoming Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games to enhance Tokyo’s presence as an international city of arts and culture. Through this forum, we hope to hold multifaceted discussions around “diversity and inclusion”, a modern issue that is addressed by various cities around the world, as well as the impact of social inclusion on unlocking creativity, aiming to explore the direction that Tokyo should take for the years to come.

In the recent years, the world have undergone considerable social and economic changes; with the deepening of the digital environment bringing about the rise of AI and dataism; meaning of current boundaries between nations, cultures and genders becoming less and less etc. This leaves one to wonder: what is arts and culture’s significance in the current society? In a diversified society, what does building a foundation of acceptance and making the most of the differences bring about in terms of creativity? How can interaction between people from different backgrounds and personalities bring new awareness to one’s creativity and originality?

On the day, keynote speech will be given by Iwao Nakatani, Board member, Arts Council Tokyo and Chairman, Mitsubishi UFJ Research and Consulting. Following this, experts from various fields will join to explore new possibilities that could help Tokyo become an international city of creativity in 2020 and beyond.

Open Forum 2019
“Beyond Diversity: Impact of Inclusive Society to Unlock Creative Potential”

Date and Time: Friday, March 1, 2019, 16:00-18:30
Venue: Belle Salle Tokyo Nihonbashi (Tokyo Nihonbashi Tower 4F, 2-7-1 Nihonbashi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo)
*Admission free. Advance registration required. First-come-first-served basis (Capacity of 150 people). Simultaneous Japanese-English interpretation provided.

Full press release (PDF) is available here.
Open Forum 2019 “Beyond Diversity: Impact of Inclusive Society to Unlock Creative Potential”

Please see here for more information about the program.

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