Conceived by playwright, director, and actor Hideki Noda, this is a new cultural movement based on the concept of engendering new forms of expression through the mingling of cultures brought about by encounters between a diverse array of artists. Following on from its visit to Rio de Janeiro in the summer of 2016, during the Olympic Games, Tokyo Caravan will pop up in a range of locations around Japan, presenting a “Cultural Circus” and offering an ongoing program of exchange that goes beyond regional boundaries.
Tokyo Caravan
Saturday, August 19 and Sunday, August 20, Saturday, September 2 and Sunday, September 3 2017
Michi no Eki Galleria Kameoka [Convention Hall], Special Stage in front of the Ninomaru Palace (National Treasure) at UNESCO World Heritage Site Nijo Castle
Tokyo Caravan
Saturday, September 9 and Sunday, September 10 2017
Special venue in the vicinity of Hachioji station
Tokyo Caravan
Saturday, September 9 and Sunday, September 10 2017
Special venue in the vicinity of Hachioji station
Tokyo Caravan
Monday, October 9 - Friday, October 13, Sunday, October 15 2017
Various locations in Kumamoto City, Kumamoto Castle’s Ninomaru Square
Tokyo Caravan
Friday, October 13 and Sunday, October 15 2017
Kumamoto City, Kumamoto Castle's Ninomaru Square
Tokyo Caravan
Saturday, March 17 and Sunday, March 18 2018
Pedestrian Deck public space, Toyotashi Station west exit and others
Tokyo Caravan
Sunday, March 18 2018, 10:00-15:00
Pedestrian Deck public space, Toyotashi Station west exit