Conceived by playwright, director, and actor Hideki Noda, this is a cultural movement based on the concept of engendering new forms of expression through the mingling of cultures brought about by encounters between a diverse array of artists. Starting in the Komazawa district of Tokyo in 2015, it has delivered genre-transcending performances in Rio de Janeiro, the Tohoku region (Sendai and Soma), Roppongi, Kyoto, Hachioji, and Kumamoto. Tokyo Caravan will continue to pop up in a range of locations nationwide, presenting a “Cultural Circus” and offering an ongoing program of exchange that goes beyond national and regional boundaries, thereby laying cultural foundations that will serve as a lasting legacy of the Tokyo 2020 Games.
Tokyo Caravan
Sunday, July 22 2018, 14:00
Kuragaike Park Playhouse lawn area
Tokyo Caravan
Sunday, September 16 2018, 17:30
Courtyard of the Museum of Art, Kochi
Tokyo Caravan
Saturday, December 8 and Sunday, December 9 2018, Saturday, February 16 and Sunday, February 17 2019
Oga City People's Culture Hall Recital Hall (12/8), Akita Community-based Center ALVE Kirameki Square(12/9), Dome Theater, Akita Furusato Village (2/16, 17)