A variety of potential risks are involved in stage work, and there’s no denying the occurrence of “close calls” that can lead to accidents. This seminar takes a fresh look at safety in the theater, with the aim of raising safety awareness by proposing a focus on protecting oneself, rather than just following given rules. Concentrating on the three elements of head, feet and body, the seminar will be a blend of demonstrations and information on safety tools in talk session format.
*The seminar will be conducted in Japanese.
[Morning session 10:30 — 12:30]
1. Protecting the head
– Safety and protection of the head
– Safety helmet types and structure
– Are you wearing your safety helmet correctly?
2. Protecting the feet
– Safety and protection of feet
– What do you wear on your feet for work?
– Looking at examples from the field
Recess 12:30 — 13:30
[Afternoon session 13:30 — 16:30]
3. Protecting the body
– Use of PPE for working at heights
*PPE: Personal Protective Equipment
– Three systems for protecting the body
– Falls from elevations and how to respond (demonstration)
4. Q&A session
Presenters: Stage staff from the Tokyo Metropolitan Theatre
1,000 yen
Theatrical stage workers, employees of cultural facilities, high school students, university students, specialty college students, anyone interested in theater
*First-come-first-served basis. Advanced reservation required.
Send an e-mail to the address below with the subject line “Arts seminar application”, including the information requested in 1 — 6 below: seminar@geigeki.jp
1. Your name
2. Affiliation (if any)
3. Number of participants
4. If you have stage experience or not
5. Your contact telephone number on the day
6. E-mail address
*Application is complete upon receipt of a reply.
*Personal information received at the time of application will not be used for anything other than this seminar.
Human Resource Development Section, Program Planning Division
Tokyo Metropolitan Theatre