What we do

Arts Academy

As a program that cultivates future leaders of artistic and cultural projects in Tokyo, Arts Academy offers courses centered on field surveys and themed exercises and courses which aim to develop the skills of future producers in the field of theater management.


Arts Council Tokyo, Tokyo Metropolitan Theatre

Events Information

Researcher program

Under this program, researchers ― primarily young people ― will be commissioned to carry out surveys and studies of arts and cultural activities through observational studies of grant-related projects, preparation of reports on findings, and through workshops and training courses. By providing the opportunity to deepen knowledge of approaches to the support of activities related to arts and culture, this program cultivates Tokyo’s future leaders in the field.
*Applications for researchers this year are closed.

Tokyo Metropolitan Theatre training program

This on-the-job training program aims to nurture young talent running theaters and other public cultural facilities or central to the implementation of festivals and other projects. Through lectures, seminars and on-site training, participants will not only gain the knowledge and skills that their target professions require, but also have the opportunity to build their networks with other theater personnel.

Arts Academy