
  • Finished

Makoto Nomura Senju Pun-Filled Music Festival
The Second Regular Concert "Kageki na Kage-e: Mega shadow picture opera"

  • Music ,
  • Art Project ,
  • Others

It’s already been five years since the first Regular Concert “Downtown Senju: Connecting Groups through Sound Art”.

The Makoto Nomura Senju Pun-Filled Music Festival is an exploration of new possibilities for pun-filled music by the Pun Music Festival Study Group, recruited from the general public, and composer Makoto Nomura.
After five years — longer than the time between Olympics or World Cups— we present the Second Regular Concert!
It will be a concert jam-packed with high spots. “Laugh and prosper”.
So come on everybody: laugh lots and dive into the world of pun-filled music at this concert, held on the first day of Japanese calendar spring!


Makoto Nomura (Director of pun-filled music), the Pun Music Festival Study Group, Kazutoki Umezu (Saxophone, Clarinet), Koheisai Kawamura (shadow pictures), Miho Kamiya (violin), Etsuko Takezawa (folk koto musician), Masahiko Nakahara (tenor)


Part I Sketches by guests
The concert opens with professional performances by our splendid guests! “We don’t make puns” features an elegant violin performance by Sendai Philharmonic Orchestra concert master Miho Kamiya as she accompanies video footage of the replies of people on the streets when asked to crack a pun.
“Pearls before Swine”, is a pun-filled masterpiece by Etsuko Takezawa, who enthusiastically gets to grips with traditional Japanese music and comic storytelling.
Kazutoki Umezu, who also appeared in the first Regular Concert, will be doing an improvised performance on saxophone and clarinet, incorporating his freestyle and powerful yet beautiful sound, and much much more.
Don’t miss these richly humorous performances.

Part II Kageki na Kage-e: Mega shadow picture opera
Makoto Nomura has reworked numerous pun-filled songs that developed from the Pun Music Festival Study Group, and turned them into an original opera!
Tenor Masahiko Nakahara lays beautifully-sung arias over shadow pictures created by Koheisai Kawamura, a gamelan performer who honed his craft in ancient shadow play in its birthplace of Indonesia.
This is pun-filled music doing opera to the max.

Part III Mass ensembles!
Makoto Nomura recreates his piece “Deshi deshi deshi”.
First performed in 1995, this piece was written for two pianos, a junior high school brass band and a rock band and requires a multitude of performers. On-the-spot audience participation is encouraged: suddenly you might find you’re a member of the Pun Music Festival Study Group!
As a finale we bring you a grand ensemble of all performers.




*Priority to reservations. First come, first-served.

How to reserve

Website: please fill this form.
TEL: 03-6806-1740 (13:00 – 18:00 except Tuesday and Thursday)
Please send an e-mail with the subject title “Kageki na Kage-e: Mega shadow picture opera”, to, including your name, contact telephone number / E-mail address and number of participants.

*Please ensure that you can receive emails from
*Your personal information will only be used in connection with providing details for this event.


Art Access Adachi: Downtown Senju-Connecting through Sound Art Office
Contact Form: Please contact via the contact form on the official website.
Tel: 03-6806-1740 (13:00 – 18:00 except Tuesday and Thursday)


Tokyo University of the Arts, Senju Campus, Hall 7
(1-25-1 Senju, Adachi-ku, Tokyo)



Organized by
Tokyo Metropolitan Government, Arts Council Tokyo (Tokyo Metropolitan Foundation for History and Culture), Tokyo University of the Arts Faculty of Music, OTOMACHI PROJECT(NPO), Adachi City