Set in the Senju area of Adachi, Tokyo, this project teams with local community members to offer a variety of programs with a “sound” theme in hopes of fostering new communication (connections) through art. One of Art Access Adachi’s main programs for FY2014 is the creation of a “Concert Involving 1,010 People in Senju” at the “Senju Pun-Filled Music Festival”, a collaborative effort with composer Makoto Nomura.
Art Access Adachi: Downtown Senju-Connecting through Sound Art Office
Manabi Pia 21 7F, 5-13-5 Senju, Adachi-ku Tokyo 120-0034
Tel: +81-3-6806-1740 /13:00 – 18:00 (except Tue and Thu)
Tokyo Metropolitan Government
Tokyo Culture Creation Project Office (Tokyo Metropolitan Foundation for History and Culture)
Tokyo University of the Arts, Faculty of Music
Adachi City
Art Access Adachi: Downtown Senju - Connecting through Sound Art
Saturday, August 9, 2014 10:00-12:00 (Open 9:30) *Cancelled in the case of heavy rain
Senju Sakura Elementary School, Adachi City
Music, Kids / Youth, Visual Art / Media Art, Art Project, Lecture / Symposium, Workshop
Art Access Adachi: Downtown Senju - Connecting through Sound Art
Saturday, January 31, 2014 13:00-16:00
Tokyo University of the Arts, Senju Campus
Music, Art Project, Workshop
Art Access Adachi: Downtown Senju - Connecting through Sound Art
Saturday, February 21, 2015 18:30- (Open 18:00)
Azumachou Event Hall
Music, Performance, Workshop
Art Access Adachi: Downtown Senju - Connecting through Sound Art
Sunday, December 21, 2014 18:00 (Open 17:30)
Restaurant Sakura
Music, Kids / Youth, Art Project, Performance, Others
Art Access Adachi: Downtown Senju - Connecting through Sound Art
Saturday, November 8, 2014 13:00-16:00
Japanese Traditional Art, Music, Art Project, Performance, Workshop
Art Access Adachi: Downtown Senju - Connecting through Sound Art
Saturday, December 6, 2014 13:00-16:00
Tokyo University of the Arts, Senju Campus
Music, Art Project, Lecture / Symposium, Workshop
Art Access Adachi: Downtown Senju - Connecting through Sound Art
Sunday, October 12, 2014 15:00-17:00 (Open 12:00)
Tokyo Metropolitan Central Wholesale Market, Adachi Market
Japanese Traditional Art, Music, Art Project, Performance, Workshop
Art Access Adachi: Downtown Senju - Connecting through Sound Art
Saturday, September 27, 28, 2014
Tokyo University of the Arts, Senju Campus
Music, Art Project, Lecture / Symposium, Workshop
Art Access Adachi: Downtown Senju - Connecting through Sound Art
Saturday, September 20, 2014 16:00-18:00 (Open 15:30)
Koraku (2-62 Senju, Adachi-ku)
Music, Art Project, Performance, Workshop, Others
Art Access Adachi: Downtown Senju - Connecting through Sound Art
Sunday, July 13, 2014
Tokyo University of the Arts, Senju Campus, Studio A
Music, Art Project, Performance, Lecture / Symposium, Workshop
Art Access Adachi: Downtown Senju - Connecting through Sound Art
May.25(Thu), 2014
Japanese Traditional Art, Music, Lecture / Symposium, Workshop
Art Access Adachi: Downtown Senju - Connecting through Sound Art
June 20(Sat),2014 18:30-20:30 / Aug 2(Sat), 2014 13:00-15:00
Tokyo University of the Arts Senju campus
Art Project, Workshop, Others
Art Access Adachi: Downtown Senju - Connecting through Sound Art
Friday, August 1, 2014 13:00-, 15:00- / Sunday, August 17, 2014 13:00-, 15:00-
Manabipia21, 4F Entrance
Music, Kids / Youth, Art Project, Lecture / Symposium, Workshop
Art Access Adachi: Downtown Senju - Connecting through Sound Art
Sunday, October 5, 2014 13:00-14:00, 19:00-20:00
Music, Visual Art / Media Art, Art Project, Workshop, Others
Art Access Adachi: Downtown Senju - Connecting through Sound Art
Sunday, November 2, 2014 15:00- / 18:00 (Open 14:00)
Senju Asahi Park
Visual Art / Media Art, Art Project, Exhibition / Screening, Performance, Workshop, Others
Art Access Adachi: Downtown Senju - Connecting through Sound Art
Jun.8(Sun) 14:00-17:00
Live House "Knock" Kitasenju
Music, Art Project, Performance, Workshop
Art Access Adachi: Downtown Senju - Connecting through Sound Art
Sunday, January 11, 2015 13:00-15:00
Arakawa Kasenjiki "Rainbow Square", Anyouin Temple
Music, Visual Art / Media Art, Art Project, Performance, Workshop, Others
Art Access Adachi: Downtown Senju - Connecting through Sound Art
Wednesday, February 11, 2015 13:00-15:00 / Saturday, February 14, Sunday February 15, 2015 10:00-19:00
Umeda Church, Hinode Housing Complex
Music, Visual Art / Media Art, Art Project, Exhibition / Screening, Performance, Lecture / Symposium, Workshop, Others