As its hub formation initiative, Topping East will implement this program through Tokyo Orchest Lab, the Tokyo arm of the Nicos Orchest-Lab orchestra-meets-laboratory teams who collaborate on Ei Wada’s Electronicos Fantasticos! projects.
During the program, Tokyo Orchest-Lab will hold meetings on its activities, and develop original musical instruments. Also on offer is the “NICOS experience” event in which participants can experience firsthand the activities of Tokyo Orchest-Lab, as well as activity updates by way of reports posted on the Ei Wada Electronicos Fantasticos! official website and social media platforms.
Group participating in the program
Ei Wada Electronicos Fantasticos! Tokyo Orchest-Lab
Period of activity
Until December, 2017 (tentative)
Place of activity
Topping East (2-10-7 1F Honjo, Sumida-ku, Tokyo)