Why not consider the attractive relationship between culture and art?
A talk series will begin this autumn at the Immigration Museum Tokyo (IMM), whose core focus has been the creation of works of art. In the “basic edition,” we will follow the background and history which gave rise to the phenomenon of immigration, and examine current conditions and themes of immigration in Japan and the real situations of non-Japanese living in this country.
4 sessions, 20 people / each session
Dates: October 18 and 30, November 7, December 5
Sunday, October 18 11:30-14:00
Umeda Catholic Church
About Umeda Catholic Church
Adachi-ku (ward) has the highest percentage of Filipino residents of all of Tokyo’s 23 wards.
It is said that over 90 percent of the Philippines’ citizens are Catholic. Every weekend, over 100 Filipinos and Filipinas gather at Umeda Catholic Church, located near Umejima Station in Adachi-ku. With the church as a focal point, they meet other people from their country, exchange information necessary for living in Japan, and enjoy the culture of the Philippines together with people of various nationalities who gather there. The church holds not only Christmas and New Year’s parties, but also a fun event in mid-summer in which “haluhalo,” Filipino shaved ice, is served.
Visit and observation event
We will observe a keirokai (respect for the aged meeting) held at Umeda Catholic Church, a gathering place for Filipino residents of Japan.
It’s been several years since Filipinas who attend Umeda Church took an active part in a keirokai for the first time. This lively event will feature a wide array of foods from Japan and the Philippines, a bamboo dance performed by Filipina women, a performance by a Peruvian band, and more. Come and join the women’s dance circle! After the event, there will be a discussion with IMM members about impressions of and thoughts on the observation.
Friday, October 30, 19:00-21:00
Adachi Shogaigakushu Center 5F Lecture room3
Yoshikazu Shiobara
The word “multiculturalism” came into use as a political term in the mid-1990s and its use became an established. But in places where the daily-life issues of non-Japanese residents are directly addressed, the word has been regarded with a sense of discomfort as a sort of pretty-sounding slogan.
In recent years, amid various policy changes in response to the Lehman crisis the Great East Japan Earthquake disaster, the growing labor shortage and the coming Olympic and Paralympic Games, the concept of support for non-Japanese residents is changing as well.
What sorts of ideas are needed today in order to make “multiculturalism” a policy with real substance, rather than an empty catchphrase? We will consider this question while taking a comparative look at the situations in Australia and other countries of the world.
Saturday, November 7, 14:00-16:00
Daiichi Building 5F
Angelo Ishi
Among the “foreigners” living in Japan, Japanese-Brazilians are an essential presence in any consideration of “multiculturalism.” There are people who have filed lawsuits for discrimination, and there was a boy of 14 who was lynched and lost his life. There are people who have been “laid off” from their jobs and have left Japan, and people who were among the first to volunteer in the disaster area after the events of March 11, 2011. We will present the diverse stories of these Brazilian residents of Japan, and think about what sorts of measures and consciousness-changing will be needed in government and in Japanese society.
Session 2: Free
Session 2 – 4: 500 yen for all sessions
Website: please fill this form.
TEL: 03-6806-1740 (13:00 – 18:00 except Tuesday and Thursday)
Send an E-mail with the subject line “Immigration Museum Tokyo” to the address above, including your name, program you wish to see, your phone number, and the number of participants.
*Please ensure that you can receive emails from info@aaa-senju.com.
*Your personal information will only be used in connection with providing details for this event.
Art Access Adachi: Downtown Senju-Connecting through Sound Art Office
Contact Form: Please contact via the contact form on the official website.
Tel: 03-6806-1740 (13:00 – 18:00 except Tuesday and Thursday)
E-Mail: info@aaa-senju.com
Session 1: October 18 2015, 11:30-14:00
Session 2: October 30 2015, 19:00-21:00
Session 3: November 7 2015, 14:00-16:00
Session 4: December 5 2015, 14:00-16:00
Session 1: Umeda Catholic CHurch
Session 2: Adachi Shogaigakushu Center 5F Lecture room 3
Session 3: Daiichi Building 5F
Session 4: Adachi Shogaigakushu Center 5F Lecture room 3