What we do

Arts Academy

[Arts Academy: Capacity Building Course for Leaders in Arts and Culture] This course aims to cultivate future leaders who can play a core role in the field of art and culture. For individuals with experience in various fields of art and culture, it offers opportunities of learning how to and engage arts with society through a combination of classroom lectures and research based on solving problems.
[Arts Academy: Tokyo Metropolitan Theatre Professional Development Training Program] This course aims to cultivate producers and coordinators capable of working at various theaters and cultural facilities through a combination of report-writing and on-the-job-training at Tokyo Metropolitan Theatre. It also features public lectures and classroom sessions.
[Arts Academy: Accounting/tax for arts and culture] This classroom-based course for a variety of people involved in creative artistic and cultural activities aims to improve their financial management and accounting skills.


Arts Council Tokyo, Tokyo Metropolitan Theatre, etc.

Events Information

Capacity Building Course for Leaders in Arts and Culture

This course seeks to identify and nurture the next generation of leaders in arts and culture, to ensure that they can bring to bear deep insight and a broad outlook when thinking about the role of arts and culture in society and putting this thinking into practice. Adopting a multifaceted perspective, it aims to provide support in capacity building to hone the thinking abilities and skills required by a variety of individuals involved in creative artistic and cultural activities in order to solve the challenges presented by their activities and achieve their goals. The course features practical lectures and discussions, with participants preparing and presenting reports on their strategies for solving the issues they face.

Tokyo Metropolitan Theatre Professional Development Training Program

This training program is aimed at young personnel who aspire to become theatrical stage workers, producers or coordinators at public theatres and other public cultural institutions and arts organizations. Delivered via lectures, seminars, and on-the-job training, while tapping into the distinctive features of Tokyo Metropolitan Theatre, it provides the knowledge and skills required for each type of occupation, as well as offering opportunities to build networks of connections with professionals at other theaters. Through these activities, this program aims to assist young personnel in enhancing their talents or changing career. The program will also include public lectures throughout the year to create opportunities for the general public to engage in intellectual exchange pertaining to the performing arts.

Accounting/tax for arts and culture

Featuring licensed accountants as lecturers, who work as experts in arts and cultural sector, the course offers a multi-pronged programs designed for self-employed individuals such as artists and producers, and different types of organization. Each lecture on the course will provide basic knowledge of accounting and taxation, as well as hints for sustainable management of organizations and business. It also outlines new accounting systems etc. and provides useful knowledge for a variety of people in leadership roles.


2022年度アーツアカデミー / FY2022 Arts Academy

  • 2022年度アーツアカデミー / FY2022 Arts Academy

Accounting/tax for arts and culture Q&A collection

  • The book to open if you have art-related accounting/tax difficulties

    .PDF (4.4 MB)



2022/07/01 アーツカウンシルブログ


*In Japanese

2022/08/23 アーツカウンシルブログ


*In Japanese

2022/09/20 アーツカウンシルブログ


*In Japanese

2022/10/14 アーツカウンシルブログ


*In Japanese

2022/11/10 アーツカウンシルブログ


*In Japanese

2022/11/29 アーツカウンシルブログ


*In Japanese

2022/12/06 アーツカウンシルブログ

芸術文化創造活動の担い手のためのキャパシティビルディング講座2022レポート:なぜ、社会は芸術文化に公的支援すべきなのか? 第7回:社会における芸術文化の必要性を考える~芸術文化支援を鍵に、自立の在り方等を考える~

*In Japanese

2023/02/22 アーツカウンシルブログ


*In Japanese


Arts Academy